Newsletter for the University Of Waterloo,Ontario, Canada, Civil Engineering Class of 1994 (B-Stream.)
I put these things out whenever we (I) feel like it(or are pressured, and guilted into doing it)
Your input, updates & submissions are welcome!!!
last update November 1, 2004. it all started on July 18th, 1997

The 10 Year Reunion..June 5th, 2004 Photo Gallery is UP!
The Dirt on (almost) Everyone - (XCIV)
AbuCiv Dirt
The off stream class - at least the ones who will still talk to us
Weddings & Kids!! 
Who got or is getting hitched to who and the results of their actions
I Quit!
Who left what and where they ended up
The Canoe Page
check out all the group shots from trips past!
The people we're looking for, who might be in hiding... or really never liked us and never want to talk to us again

Working on A Photo Page.
send me photos, under 100k, please

The Old Guest book is no longer active, but you can view it Here

If you have any updated information, corrections, or links that don't work - please contact us kayehm at yahoo dot com