Melinda Gorgenyi - 11/20/00 18:47:53
My Email:melinda
Where You're Working: CRA
Where You're Living: Oakville
What You're Doing?: work
What You're Driving?: Volvo S60
Travels?: US, Mexico
Favorite Vegetable?: ???
Hello everybody, I thought that I should update my stats. I am 9 months pregnant and expecting our first child any day now. Apparently we are having a girl, Emily Alexis.

Darren Soanes - 05/17/00 13:55:29
Where You're Working: Toronto
Where You're Living: Toronto
What You're Doing?: Venture Capital
What You're Driving?: VW
Travels?: Scotland, for Gus' Wedding!
Favorite Vegetable?: Artichoke Gross
Add Gus Livadaris' Wedding to your list - 2 of them to the same girl, one in Cyprus May 20/2000, another in Scotland May 27/2000 - wife's name is Maggie.

Steve Kemp - 02/26/00 19:39:30
Where You're Working: City of Toronto
Where You're Living: Scarborough
What You're Doing?: Traffic Engineering
What You're Driving?: 94 Ford Escort, 89 Ford Ranger
Travels?: Barbados!!!!!!
Favorite Vegetable?: Okra
Well I got married (to Wendy Rebidoux B.E.S. 94) in October of 94 ...... no kids yet. We bought a house in Scarborough on the Bluffs. Last summer I finally put my structures courses to use and built a deck (so far it is still standing). I managed to survive the nightmare of almalgamation and I am still working for the City of Toronto in the Traffic Signal Control Section. My job title is "Senior Traffic Engineer" although I am not sure why as there are no junior engineers in sight. My wo k is alot of fun and I am really enjoying it .... next time you get stopped at a red light in the City of Toronto you can blame me. Great to see this site and find out what everyone is up too. Steve Kemp, P. Eng. Civ Eng 94 (Abuciv)

David Bourne and Clare Stewart - 01/30/00 17:12:06
Where You're Working: David - Pearson Airport (what's new?) Clare - Stantec, Kitchener
Where You're Living: Cambridge
What You're Doing?: David - building the airport Clare - hydrogeology and an M.Sc. (yes Geo's eventually end up in Science) at UW
What You're Driving?: Ford Explorer and Honda Civic
Travels?: England 1997, Calgary and points west 1999
Favorite Vegetable?: Cucumber
Yes the rumours are true - we got married in September 1997. We bought a house in Hespeler (Cambridge north of the 401) last year. David commutes still to the airport, although he actually works for UMA who have a contract to build stuff at the airport. Clare just started (Jan 2000) work on a part-time Master's in hydrogeology in the Earth Science department at UW, while continuing to work at Stantec Consulting. So far I'm really enjoying it, which is odd because I never remember liking school this much We can add a few updates. Mark Hales lives around the corner (and yes he has two sons and is still at CRA, as per the we think this is where he is on one of the other pages). Kevin and Trish English live near us too, but we think a move to London is imm nent since they both just left UMA and are now with MTO in London. John Kruis married Tracy in June 1996 and they have two sons - Jonathan Sept 1997 and Joshua Nov 1999. They live on a farm in St. George and John works at Lipton in Brampton.

11/19/99 16:15:49
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen

Nicki - 08/24/99 00:33:36
My Email:Nicole
Where You're Working: Titan Projects Ltd
Where You're Living: Downtown Calgary (yep I moved back to town)
What You're Doing?: still working on the Alliacne Pipeline (predicted completion date 2005), biking, blading, skiing, golfing, and creating my own place
What You're Driving?: a brand spanking new mean looking totally loaded ZX2
Travels?: Banff, Oliver BC, anywhere between Edmonton and Fort St John on business, Waterton National Park, The Porcupine Hills to hike, Germany for Xmas 98, Montana
Favorite Vegetable?: silly question!
As an update to the entry submitted via Kath.... the house got built, but I don't live in it any more (the alcoholic lifestyle just didn't suit). So, I've become a city girl again... walk to work and live a couple of blocks from a restaurant, boutique a d deli riddled avenue (awesome bakeries and Bernard Callebaut Chocolate!!! mmmmmmm). After living in the apartment for 3 weeks you'd think I was able to unpack all the accumulated junk eh? We packrat engineers just have too much paper. I'm almost done though. Who said you needed to be able to move in your own apartment? Between the sports toys and the aforementioned paper, who cares? On off days or for this 'summer' those days considered to be that, you'll find me dreaming of things other than work (grumble, grumble). What a paradise the mountains are........ As for condo Kanchan..... I got myself one of those too!!! I'm off to spend a few days by Big Mountain and Kalispell on the weekend. Ahhhhhhh! the idea of actually having a few days off! What a concept. Along the lines of moving I got this mean looking little ZX2 from Slave Lake( just because I wanted a sunroof and they had to hunt the western world), had to pick it up myself! So the little rocket got indoctrinated on a northern Alberta tour de work!! So's the update. Have a good'un. :) N

David Reeves - April 4/99 20:13:48
My Email:dave
Where You're Working: Spatial Vision Consulting (on BC Hydro projects)
Where You're Living: North Vancouver
What You're Doing?: I am finishing up my studies in GIS and should start work soon. I will then start work.
What You're Driving?: Mercury Mystique
Travels?: I was in SE Asian and I want to go back soon.
Favorite Vegetable?: I only eat meat!
Vive la Quebec!

Gus Livadaris - January 24/99 08:52:56
Where You're Working: J&P (Overseas) Ltd.
Where You're Living: Saudi Arabia
What You're Doing?: Building a beach palace
What You're Driving?: Mazda RX7
Travels?: Saudi, UK, Cyprus, Greece
Favorite Vegetable?: Just became the Zucchini
Hello!! Is anyone out there? I just got internet and found the XCIV pages. Sorry I haven't kept in touch but email and internet are very new in Saudi. Anyways, I've been working as a Site Engineer in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia since May 97. We are just finishing up a Beach Palace and we are getting ready to start a new palace in town for the Sheik's mother. Like I said, I just got on the net so please send me email and fun stuff ( Life is a bit rough out here in Saudi. Gus You sound so sad!!! Lighten up! 

Kaoru Yajima - November 28/98 07:37:01
Where You're Working: Nippon Koei
Where You're Living: Medan, Indonesia
What You're Doing?: civ.eng. consulting
What You're Driving?: mountain bike
Travels?: Indonesia
Favorite Vegetable?: bean sprouts
I think this page is excellent. All the links work, and has some good graphics. I made my own site (the server is gone now so the html files are gone too ) so I know how difficult it is to make a quality site. I have been working in Indonesia for 10 months now. I was scheduled to go back to our Tokyo office in December98, but they asked me to stay another year. Indoensia's great for touring, but working and living, well that is another story. Take care! see another Kaoru entry further down.. 

10/14/98 10:19:54
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks you're welcome.. I think??!

Melinda Gorgenyi - September 14/98 23:50:29
My Email:melinda
Where You're Working: Conestoga-Rovers in Mississauga
Where You're Living: Oakville
What You're Doing?: Same old thing, engineering of all sorts. Somedays I wonder if this is all there is to it?
What You're Driving?: 95 Achieva, don't smile, its a SPORTS COUPE, that is all what my husband would buy me, since I did not have a job at the time (that is my excuse and I am sticking to it).. whatever gets you through the day...
Travels?: There is one good thing about Lou's (my husband of many years) job, that he travels to nice places. I go only to crummy ones. Briefly we have been to England, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Mexico, Netherlands, Germany, not in that order an we are going to Dusseldorf next month.
Favorite Vegetable?: cucumber
This is a wonderful website, I am really impressed. As I can see you were not looking for me, We didn't know you were lost... sorry no hurt feelings, but I found you with the help of others. I will try to describe my adventures of the past four years, briefly. Right after graduation, I decided that I can get a job in Montreal, so I followed my husband and got a condo in Montreal. After six months of rest, I decided that I have to come back to Toronto, if I ever want to work as an engineer. I have been working with CRA in Mississauga since November 94 as an environmental/civil engineer. In 97 I got my P.Eng., although that did not help me much here. My work is good, I like construction management and even environmental, although I miss working in a larger office. We have about 10 people ere. My personal life is great, I am STILL married to that geek-eng guy, and we settled in Oakville, close to the Lakeshore. As I read you are all into getting cars, we decided to get a nice house, that we can fill up with kids some day. But for now th re is only the two of us, and I fill my time with gardening and shopping since my husband travels quite a lot. 

Katherine Klein - July 21/98 03:04:06
Where You're Working: Georgia Tech.. Now - University of Toronto
Where You're Living: Atlanta
What You're Doing?: student.. now - Professor
What You're Driving?: 1993 Toyota Tercel - after my 1992 Tercel was totaled.. now 1998 Honda Civic Sedan
Travels?: Utah, Florida, Guelph
Favorite Vegetable?: What's with the American spelling of favourite? Fine, I used the "other" spelling.. sorry.. but that doesn't mean that you can use my mistake as an excuse to hide your fear of vegetables!
Believe it or not, I am still a student. However, I plan to graduate in December of this year and possibly get a job (if I can find someone to hire me). I am currently in the process of looking for employment and I am enjoying receiving lots of rejectio letters. Kanchan, I think that you're going to lose the bet! Yeah, sure, and you failed all those exams in university too Atlanta is very hot and humid. I miss the summer temperatures in Ontario. Not the winter temperatures, just the summer temperatures. Well Kanchan, I hope this makes you happy. you have no idea I finally signed the guestbook, in spite of the comments that you made about me. I guess if I can't find a civ eng job in the next few months I should explo e other options. If you scan down a few entries...... Katherine will be a Civ Eng. Asst. Prof at UofT starting in July '99.. poor kids.

Derek - July 17/98 15:53:30
My Email:derek
Where You're Working: Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc.
What You're Doing?: Finishing my Degree
What You're Driving?: 1989 Honda Civic Hatchback
Travels?: Calgary/Banff/Jasper October 1997, Houston November 1997, Los Angeles May 1998, Philidelphia/Newark New Jersey May 1998
Favorite Vegetable?: BBQ Potatoes
I just got a new job. Starting in October, 1998. I will be working for Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. in Doylestown (near Philadelphia) Pennsylvania. So I am no longer a student, I am gainfully employed!!! What? No doctorate Degree? They're all the rage these days. How come you didn't take as long as Falchukles? Did you perfect your D3D skills that quickly?!! 
Derek was married on November 25, 2000!!!

Kara Townsend - 06/29/98 01:49:23

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :) At first I was going to take this entry out - thinking "Katherine Will Nev r sign this book with stuff like this in it!!" - then I thought- hey, it's kind of funny - like - "see what else you can do with a CivE degree!".. so I left it..

Mark Berkovitz - March 29/98 02:53:49
My Email:mark
Where You're Working: John Emery Geotechnical Engineering Limited - now The City of Toronto
Where You're Living: Mississauga
What You're Driving?: It has 4 wheels, of which at least 2 are always on the ground, its red, its got two doors and fortunately no one wants to sit in the back seat! Mark has never actually seen the back seat of his car but he's still quite confident that it has one.
Travels?: All the yearly ski trips, business trips down south and out west.
Favorite Vegetable?: (s) Everything that goes into a greek salad including the olives!
On the request of fellow classmates, I was asked to fill in this commentary. I in no way delegated the completion of this task to anyone else regardless of what you may otherwise think. Yes, I am still living at home with mom and pop. Supporting them is a chore, both mentally and financially. Luckily for me, friends drop in unexpectantly (Falchuk, Maharaj, Richardson, et al) and attempt to comfort me by telling me how good I have it. ight now, they are all sitting in the other room trying to figure out a way to get me to move out. and we're still working on it, but are running out of time, he's already started to set up quite the little bachelor basement and and keeps saying "why should I move out?" arrggh! 

Chris Falchuk - February 14/98 05:15:16
My URL:http://i.don'
My Email:chris
Where You're Working: Marshall Macklin Monaghan in Thornhill
Where You're Living: 100km from work in 'the urban waste land of strip malls' as some of you call Mississauga.
What You're Doing?: Municipal Design, subdivisions, using Murray's Wave internet access right now!
What You're Driving?: Apparently a beater to some, to me it's still Honda's 91 Flagship(EXR Coupe).
Travels?: Jun.97 to Orange County California for job offer from Komex H2O Science, (The Silly Boy Rejected it) visited Caltech and Universal Studios. XCIV ski trips, and Mar.98 to Banff with Pam and Mark and Ra dal
Favorite Vegetable?: thins
Well, I finally made it here... to this page... first time I have ever been to the Zucchini on-line. I like it, very comprehensive. I miss volleyball damnit. Work is a heater, sooo many deadlines yesterday. Can't we all just get along! A recent articl sited 'tree murderers' as a term for people working on the Bayview Glen Subdivision in Richmond Hill. Guess what project I'm on at work, Jen! Holy cow, there's a lizard on the monitor... no, really! I hope y'all are keeping your pets happy with frequ nt combings. I really like Sarah M's CD of Rarities and B sides... awesome... especially track 3. Murray has a shit load of CD rom games and no posters, what's up with that? Thinking about towing capacities of my next/current vehicle... hmmm, or shoul I go sporty, something with a smile gauge like Mark's VTEC bullet! Took a boarding lesson at Blackcomb, boarded the next day with Pam's gear and really liked it. Highly recommended. So I guess for (Dr.)Duane, it's now Ride-or-die! Recently pulled a g eat CLM (career limiting move) at work, by accidentally dropping my glass apple juice with the division manager right in front of me in line at lunch. Now I'm aiming for the department managers, senior project managers, project manager, senior project en ineers, and project engineers. Ca you tell my climb from designer to engineer is only just the beginning! Chris has let it be known that he is now a member of the Disgruntled Employee club... and rumour has it that he's seek ng greener($)pastures.. like everyone else. 

Darren Soanes - December 22/97 15:44:04
My Email:darren 
Where You're Working: Optimum Software Solutions
Where You're Living: 8A Shank Street, Toronto, Ontario M6J 3T8
What You're Doing?: SAP Consultant
What You're Driving?: VW Golf VR6 Someone doesn't like his veggies.
Comments:I guess Darren doesn't have very much to say right now.... he must be a very busy boy.. see the Experience Resume!!! 

Jim Gillies - September 21/97 03:36:12
My Email:jim
Where You're Working: Blount
Where You're Living: 27 Cardigan St #508, Guelph
What You're Doing?: Working & in spare time doing a Master's @ U of G for God only knows what reason!
What You're Driving?: Dodge Beater!
Travels?: Eastern Canada, BC (several times), Barbados (no really I was working), Central America, D.R., Portland Oregon
Favorite Vegetable?: Eggplants
No comment. Too late to think of something witty. Jim was stressed over losing his Iron Ring at an Engineering Party, and the possibility that it could now be part of a chainsaw rivet.. but I think he found it in a much less inter sting place.

Jenn Caron - August 25/97 23:56:18
My Email:homeor work
Where You're Working: CH2M Gore & Storrie Ltd
Where You're Living: 37 Heins Ave Kitchener
What You're Doing?: Sinking money into a 90yr old house
What You're Driving?: A car
Travels?: Britain (incl Wales/England/Scotland)
Favorite Vegetable?: anything from OUR garden
Oh the joys of home ownership. When we got back from Britain we found our radiators spewing water onto the basement floor. Now I'm spending my lunch hours getting quotes for new boilers!! But I wouldn't trade in our house for anything. It's worth ever penny of it. I think. Steve spent 4 months in Kuwait and there is a slight chance that he may have to back for several weeks. He doesn't have too many pics of Kuwait but we have lots from Britain. Re the Zuchinni: I'm so pleased that Kanchan finally took the plunge. She's been nagging me since the last newsletter with stuff like outlines and lists and partially done newsletters to get my butt in gear but alas.. procrastination won. Speaking of procrastination, I too would have my P.Eng if not for it. I just have to send in the paperwork. I've had the 2 years and exam since December!! What a loser! I think everyone is too obsessed with their cars. Jenn is driving a new, Subaru Impreza wagon, in a beautiful Jade colour. Jenn loves her car. 

David Reeves - August 8/97 22:35:30
Where You're Working: Consumers Gas
Where You're Living: Toronto with Jane the Pain
What You're Doing?: Reading dirty magazines and dreaming of Thai women
What You're Driving?: a certain Thai woman....oopps a Corsica
Travels?: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and much more next winter
Favorite Vegetable?: Tomatoes and Mushrooms
I did not rob Steve Schultz of any money in Thailand. He got robbed on a bus from Bangkok to an island in Southern Thailand (Ko Phagm Gam) and I lent him $200 US. Jane Wu is a great cook. If any one ever wants to come over for dinner give us a call bring food though. I am working for Consumers gas in a very gay neighborhood and I keep on getting looks. What do I do? Stop wearing the dress to work, Dave. Meech has since decided to move back out to BC for the winter.. and may also be furtherin his post-secondary education in GIS.. maybe in a dress. 

Rob Moore - July 23/97 18:24:53
Where You're Working: Haha! Work is for losers.
Where You're Living: Squamish, B.C. now Guelph
What You're Doing?: Today? Biking, if the wind picks up maybe I'll go for a sail, otherwise I'll hike with Belle. Wait a minute, that's pretty much every day...
What You're Driving?: 4WD Subaru Wagon & my MTB
Travels?: All over B.C. ... and eventually back to Ontario (belch!)
Favorite Vegetable?: I love all vegtables equally so it wouldn't be fair to single out one and upset the rest of them.
Life in Squamish is pretty good. I am not looking forward to moving back to Guelph (and reality) in the fall. Oh ya.. I have a new dog, 'Belle'. She is a 1.5 year old Border Collie/ Australian Cattle Dog cross, and a great mountain bike dog (On singletrac she kicks my butt) Rob is currently back in Guelph, facing reality... we think.. although there is a strong rumour that he is MIA once again. 

Dave Sullivan - July 22/97 22:03:12
My Email:sully
Where You're Working: CIBC Wood Gundy
Where You're Living: CIBC Wood Gundy
What You're Doing?: Climbing, boarding, kayaking, canoing, camping, and trying to see as much of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and the world as is possible
What You're Driving?: Girlfriend's car
Travels?: Cali., BC, and now to the Big Apple, but for work, not play
Favorite Vegetable?: As if you have to ask ...
Crazy cool baby ! Love the page ! I'll try to send some pics from Roland's modeling portfolio to add some spice and a much needed XXX rating. JUST what we need! Send them along! (18mos later - We're still waiting!)

Stephen Codrington - July 22/97 20:16:02
My Email:stephen
Where You're Working: Remediation Technologies (Retec)
Where You're Living: Seattle, WA.. Whistler BC.
What You're Doing?: Playing alot. Working alot.
What You're Driving?: Selling the van (sob).. Red BMW
Travels?: every weekend / some weeknights
Favorite Vegetable?: do I count?  No
Thank you to the editors. I would like to go on record at this time with the following comment; 'Michelle Rossa is a goddess.' Who the heck is Michelle Rossa? Is that the Rat Lady?? Once an opportunist... Steve finally got is Master's degree from UW and was working in a field of cow shit... what comes around.... now's he's got a cushy 'city' job
Then he got a job in Whistler.

Shari Imada - July 21/97 17:02:19
Where You're Working: Rogers Cablesystems slave
Where You're Living: Van., man! Now in Calgary (as of Dec 97)
What You're Doing?: Working, working, working. Joined the board of directors at EcoDesign (non-profit ecological building design resource society), climbing, kayaking, hiking, yoga, dancing and folk music festing!
What You're Driving?: Louise (she rocks)
Travels?: Lately? Climbing in California, kayaking up the Sunshine coast, several weekend trips to Calgary
Favorite Vegetable?: I'd have to say garlic and onions (yummy)
Exactly what I needed Monday morning after d_r_a_g_g_i_n_g myself into work. Thanks! go have another cup of coffee Shari.. Shari loveed her job soooo much, she quit (again), and is now living in Calgary contemplating furth ring her post-secondary education, and building a house.. 

Derek W. Tomlinson - July 20/97 20:29:40
My Email:derek
Where You're Working: University of Waterloo
Where You're Living: Waterloo
What You're Doing?: M.A.Sc. degree
What You're Driving?: a 850 Trek Mountain Bike. In Metallic Blazing Burgandy (& a 1989 Honda Civic)
Travels?: Austrailia (Xmas 1996) and hopefully Mars(?) for New Years 2000.
Favorite Vegetable?: Corn ('cause you can use it as a check to make sure your digestive system is working properly much like marbles)
Looks good so far Kanchan. A couple of the images won't come up but otherwise "good job" (everyone's a critic.. !). 

Kanchan Maharaj - July 19/97 & Feb 25/99
My URL: (or this one)
My Email:kanchan
Where You're Working:Globe Network Integrators Inc... now AT&T Canada.
Where You're Living: Etobicoke & In My Car
What You're Doing?: Working/Sleeping/learning to do fun stuff again, working on my place.. fencing!
What You're Driving?: a 91 Brave Blue Mazda 626.. now a 98 Green Subaru Outback.
Travels?: Atlanta, Whistler (ouch). Seattle, Phoenix.. Orlando, Athens, Amsterdam, Koln, Brussels
Favorite Vegetable?: What a stupid question. Who thought up these things?
I worked at the airport.. then in a Chocolate factory.. did the 3rd trip to Whistler in April 97, best conditions ever.. at least that's what I was told - tore my knee up on the 3rd day, had ACL surgery in Febuary '98. My Contract "ended" at the factory, now I'm working behind the CITY Building downtown Toronto doing telecom stuff.. Shari's old job.. (thanks Shar!!) first full time job since graduation!! yay!  Then I quit that in the summer of 2000 - now working for AT&T Canada - Network Planner (and I have a life again).  Still waiting to make use of my CivEng degree. If someone else is interested in seeing some more f this planet.. lemme know... Timeshares seem to come up far too often. I basically have no life, have sunk all my money into a condo, my digestive system has gone to the crapper... and I am living vicariously through this webpage. I'm kidding... sort of. 


If you want to update your entry, or put in a new one, just send me an email, and I'll edit accordingly!